So here is a picture of one of my little tables.
The big pictures are of my Mom and Dad… their Senior Pictures. The smaller is of one of my Grandmothers. I love these three pictures, and waited a long time to have them in my possession.
Okay, moving forward…

What did I do today…
Not a whole lot. Monkey’s gymnastics class was cancelled. (Yea! We didn’t have to go out in the freezing cold this morning)!
Hubby took Monkey to Preschool this afternoon (and is picking him up!) That’s another, “Hooray!”.
I did a few things around the house. Laundry, dishwasher…. Ya know, the usual.
Guess what else I did?
I hopped in bed for two hours while Monkey was at school and I cut up a shirt.
No! Not to wear… I’m a little old for the trendy, ‘cut and destroy your $70 tee shirt’ look.
Which, by the way… What is with the $70 tee shirts? I mean, seriously!
Anyway, I cut up a shirt… but, I’ll tell you about that later… like when I finish the project.
Yes, I know… must be nice to lie in bed!
Yes, it was.
Thank you. I was in bed because it hurt to walk… why????
Because I thought I should start working out.
That Jillian from “The Biggest Loser” tried to kill me last night.
I made it through… only because I swore at her. That DVD went on FOREVER.
Like… 20 minutes … how OUTRAGEOUS!
The nerve.
Anyway- to my anonymous friends out there that read this… I know you’re thinking…
Why is Amy working out? So not her style!
Clearly its not my style because nothing fits any longer.
For the past several years, I’ve blamed it on the shrinking effect.
Know what I’m talking about?
That … scientific thing that happens when you place your clothes in the plastic storage bins.
Ya know? You pack up your sweaters and put them away for the summer… then when you open up the bin a few months later, they are too small….
Clearly, something is happening in those bins. Something… scientific!
Okay- so not really. The clothes aren’t shrinking… I’m just getting bigger.
There it is.
I do have a another reason for working out… my mom has lost another 8 pounds!!! And, she has once again, been able to back off some of her diabetic meds. A few months ago, she was on the brink of going on insulin shots… and now today, she has turned it around! And for the first time in years, her blood pressure is GOOD!
I’m so proud of my Mom!
Anyway- gotta run.
Jillian is screaming her head off.
Who started that darn DVD again?
What great pictures to display :)